☀️"Living in... Barcelona!"
Who hasn't dreamed of discovering the Catalan capital for a brief moment ... or longer?
I'd like to take you on a journey of discovery through the city of Barcelona, with Olivier Jauffrit on La Radio des Français dans le Monde. I invite you to my host city, to get some fresh air, enjoy the sun, the beach... and above all, to find out all about this city, which is becoming increasingly international and attractive to many French people.
A must-listen if you're looking for THE right city for a gentle, family-friendly expatriation.
🎤 Join us on La Radio des Français dans le Monde:
👉 60 Seconds "PRACTICAL" - Doing Business Abroad
In this podcast, I offer you a series of answers to the big questions that "expatpreneurs" ask themselves when setting up and developing their business abroad.
To create or not to create a business abroad?
Where can you find the information you need to move forward with an entrepreneurial project?
Entrepreneurship abroad, yes, but what to create?
Email: sandrine.gelin@glshift.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sandrinelamrani
Discovery call: www.glshift.com/en/appel-decouverte
Web Site: www.glshift.com
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