Collective intelligence tools
Collective intelligence is a response to a complex world, in which there is no longer a simple and unique response, in which no one has the knowledge or the vision of the whole system. It is a powerful approach which promotes agility, creativity, innovation, motivation and commitment of individuals… without angelism.
Collective intelligence can not be decreed, it is built, it is learned in daily practice. Collective intelligence means creating the conditions for allowing oneself to be transformed, learning to accept questions, to consider the situation differently due to authentic encounters and experiments which in turn lead to a different perception and therefore a new definition of the reality that integrates that of the other and causes mental patterns to evolve.
The many collective intelligence tools that we use during our interventions derive in particular from the research and practices of groups such as:
SOL [Society for Organizational Learning] founded by Peter Senge [The Fifth Discipline] to provide the theories and methods to foster aspiration, develop thoughtful conversation and understand complexity in order to build a learning organization.
IAGC [International Association for Generative Change] founded by Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan to provide the structures and tools necessary to introduce Generative Change work to multiple communities, including professional and cultural, around the world.

The keystone of collective intelligence, the learning organization places learning and work at the heart of its strategy to develop innovative organizations with real competitive advantages. Its main characteristic is the change of state of mind of its members.
According to Peter Senge, building a learning organization takes several stages:
1. Challenge one's own mental models: make explicit one's own beliefs and mental models as well as those of others, question their relevance to reality and see how to make them evolve.
2. Develop personal mastery among members of the organization, by aligning 3 dimensions heart, body and mind.
3. Build a shared vision by mobilizing all members of the organization.
4. Learn as a team to develop learning and spread it throughout the organization.
5. Thinking systemically to understand complexity.
Here are some of the resources [not exhaustive] that we draw from our collective intelligence toolbox, depending on the situation and the needs of our clients.