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Last update: 01/30/2023



Article 1 – Content and scope


The purpose of these General Conditions of Sale (GTS) is to define the rights and obligations of the parties under the contract for the sale of products and services offered by the Seller to the Customer. The contact details and identity of the Seller are as follows: G&L SHIFT OÜ, Limited Liability Company with a capital of 2500 euros, registered with the Registry of the Tartu County Court under number 16254139, whose registered office is located in Harju County , Lasnamäe District, Lõõtsa tn 5, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia, represented by Mrs Sandrine GELIN-LAMRANI, member of the Management Board, duly authorized for the purposes hereof. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply automatically to the following products and services:

  1. Individual & collective professional coaching.

  2. Webinars, conferences, workshops.

  3. Supports, tools, online resource spaces


The Seller notably ensures the marketing of the aforementioned products and/or services through the intermediary of the Site). G&L Shift OÜ provides professional coaching support services (remotely, in hybrid mode, face-to-face) whose aim is to enable its clients to optimize their professional potential, as part of a process of reflection and creativity. The services provided by G&L Shift OÜ stand out and cannot replace other forms of support such as Consulting, Mentoring, Psychotherapy, Training, Outplacement. These General Conditions of Sale apply to the exclusion of all other conditions. The Customer declares to have read these General Conditions of Sale and to have accepted them before his purchase or the placing of his order.


Article 2 – Pre-contractual information


The Customer acknowledges having had communication, prior to the signing and conclusion of the contract for the provision of services (coaching, webinar, conference, workshop), in a readable and understandable manner, of these general conditions of sale. and all the information listed in Articles L. 111-1 and L. 111-2 of the Consumer Code. Thus, the essential characteristics and the prices of the services sold were communicated to him, as well as information relating to the identity of the Seller, his postal, telephone and electronic contact details and his activities.


Article 3 – Contract & Duration


The service provision contract comes into force on the date of its signature by the parties and is concluded for the duration necessary for the supply of the products and services, until the expiry of the guarantees and obligations due by the Seller.


Article 4 – Price and Payment


The prices excluding and including tax expressed in euros, the terms and means of payment accepted by the Seller are clearly and legibly indicated on the service contract. The prices are firm and final, taking into account any reductions granted by the Seller. Any payment that is not made within the time limits provided for in the service contract will give rise, as a penalty, to the application of interest equal to three percent, as well as a lump sum compensation for recovery costs. for an amount of forty (40) Euros, pursuant to Law 2012-387 of March 22, 2012.


Article 5 – Right of withdrawal


The Customer benefits from a legal withdrawal period of 14 days running from the date on which the service contract was signed. This right can be exercised by the customer without giving any reason and by sending his request, by means of an unambiguous declaration, by sending an e-mail to the following address:sandrine.gelin@glshift.comwho will acknowledge receipt of the exercise of this right. By accepting these General Conditions of Sale, the Customer expressly acknowledges having been informed of the terms of withdrawal.


In the event of exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Customer, G&L Shift OÜ will reimburse any payments received, no later than thirty days from the day of the information of the decision of withdrawal, subject to what is indicated below. after. If the Customer has started the support during the withdrawal period, he will be liable for an amount proportional to what has been provided to him until the moment of exercise of the right of withdrawal. In this case, the reimbursement will only be partial to take into account the services provided.


Article 6 – Client commitments


6.1 Legal commitments and relating to the use of data

The Client undertakes to:

  • Respect the confidentiality of the information communicated by the Seller when he so requests;

  • Provide all data necessary to achieve its coaching objective and to inform the Seller of any changes;

  • Hold all the intellectual property rights or have the authorization of the rights holders on the content (data, images, videos, etc.) that it transmits and guarantees it from the consequences of the transmission and dissemination of this content ;

  • Be the holder, with one or more reputably solvent companies, of a "Civil liability" insurance policy in force at the time the support is provided and covering sufficient amounts for the pecuniary consequences of the liability may incur consequential or non-consecutive bodily, material and/or consequential damage caused to others; The responsibility of the Seller cannot be engaged in the event of damage caused.


6.2. Commitments in the context of coaching support

The Client undertakes to:

  • Comply with the code of good conduct defined in point 6.3 of this document;

  • Agree to share their impressions and feedback on support with G&L Shift through online questionnaires and telephone interviews;

  • Become familiar with the rules applicable to the applications and sites with which the support takes place and comply with them.


6.3. Commitment to good conduct

The Customer undertakes to respect the code of good conduct below, established by G&L Shift OÜ, and in particular to:

  • Honor the sessions scheduled with the Seller or inform him 48 hours before any inability to attend a scheduled session;

  • Do not disrespect the Seller;

  • Avoid repeated delays without justification during scheduled sessions with the Coach;

  • Get involved in support (support will only be beneficial if the Client is involved and motivated).


Article 7 - Commitments of the Seller


The Seller undertakes to:

  • Putting all its know-how at the service of the Client;

  • Perform the services with professionalism, good faith and in accordance with the rules of the art;

  • Ensure that the services provided correspond to the Client's needs;

  • Respect the professional secrecy that goes with the ethical and moral code of his function;

  • Respect the confidentiality of the information provided by the Client.

  • Implement all means to ensure the smooth running of the support;

  • Ensure the safety of the accompaniment and the good respect of the commitments of each one.



Article 8 – Force Majeure


None of the contractors is responsible for its delay or failure in the performance of its obligations if they are due to a case of force majeure. The Seller will notify the Customer of the occurrence of such a fortuitous event or force majeure within fifteen (15) days from the date of occurrence of the event.


Article 9 – Warranties


The Customer acknowledges that he is responsible for the use and interpretation of the products and services purchased from the Seller. In particular, the Seller cannot guarantee that any particular result or advantage will be obtained by using any of the products or services provided by the Seller. The Customer acknowledges that the services provided by the seller are not intended to replace other forms of support such as Consulting, Mentoring, Psychotherapy, Training, Outplacement. The Seller declines all responsibility for the use that will be made of the information provided to its customers.


Article 10 – Termination/Reimbursement


Throughout the duration of the contract, the parties may terminate it unilaterally, at any time, subject to one week's notice and by any means (letter, email, telephone, SMS, or verbally during a meeting). under the express condition that the party wishing to terminate the contract can actually ensure that the other party has actually taken cognizance of its intention. Failing this, the next session is due: if it is the Customer who initiated the termination, payment for an additional session will be due to the Seller; if it is the Seller who is at the initiative of the termination, he will owe the Client, where applicable, the financial reimbursement of the sessions that cannot be carried out.


The Seller reserves the right to suspend the support in the event of non-payment by the Customer of the sums due under the due date.


Article 11 – Personal data 


Within the framework of European data protection law, the Seller must control the data of its customers from its digital media. Personal data may be collected on said media and used by the Seller who acts as data controller within the meaning of European Union Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter "General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR"). The Seller must ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data of its customers in accordance with the GDPR. Customers' personal data may be transmitted to service providers and partners of G&L Shift OÜ, County of Harju, District of Lasnamäe, Lõõtsa tn 5, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia, in the event that their intervention is necessary in the fulfillment of the orders provided for in service contract. These service providers and partners may only act on instructions from G&L Shift.


Personal data is collected for the purpose of carrying out the orders stipulated in article 1 of these GCS. In accordance with the GDPR, the Customer has a right of access, rectification and opposition to personal data concerning him (hereinafter the "Computer Rights and Freedoms") and can:

  • request a copy of all information held about them;

  • request rectification of their personal data;

  • request partial or total deletion of their account and/or personal data.


To exercise this right, the Customer must make a request by email, indicating its:

  • name

  • first name

  • e-mail address;

  • its customer references.


The Customer's request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document. In accordance with the law "Computer Rights and Freedoms", the response will be provided as soon as possible and at the latest within one month of the request. The data collected by the Seller is kept for a period that does not exceed the period necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. The Seller also invites the Customer to consult the privacy policy and the general conditions of use present on the Site


Article 12 – Intellectual property rights


The content of the Site is the property of the Seller. It is protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property. Users of the Site are only granted a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to access and view the content published there. This right of access and consultation is interpreted strictly. Any representation, reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, total or partial, of these contents, for any reason and on any medium whatsoever, without the express and prior agreement of the Seller, is strictly prohibited. The rights granted by the Seller to the Customer are: (i) the right to access and consult the content published on the Site, (ii) the right to download and print said content, for strictly personal use, the exclusion of any commercial, educational or informative use, total or partial.


Article 13 – Complaints and amicable settlement of disputes


If necessary, the Buyer may submit any complaint by contacting the company by email In the event of failure of the request for complaint with the Seller, or in the absence of a response within two months, the consumer may submit the dispute to a mediator of his choice who will attempt in complete independence to reconcile the parties in with a view to obtaining an amicable solution.


Under Article L. 612-1 of the Consumer Code “Any consumer has the right to have free recourse to a consumer mediator with a view to the amicable termination of the dispute between him and a professional. ". Disputes falling within the scope of Article L. 612-1 of the Consumer Code are the disputes defined in Article L. 611-1 of the Consumer Code, namely disputes of a contractual nature, relating on the performance of a contract for the sale or supply of services, between a consumer and a professional. The Client is informed that he may resort to conventional mediation, to existing sectoral mediation bodies or to any other alternative method of dispute resolution (conciliation for example) in the event of a dispute.


Article 14 – Language

These T&Cs are written in French. In the event of a dispute, the French version will prevail over any translation into a foreign language.



                           Cathy Dupré

alexandre m the frenchy Formateur Seo Wix France, creation site wix, référencement wix, strategie marketing digital pour entrepreneurs

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