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Negative Emotional Imprint Release Coaching (CLEEN)  with G&L SHIFT 

Coaching de Libération des Empreintes Émotionnelles Négatives ( CLEEN ) avec G&L SHIFT 

CLEEN is a brief coaching approach focused on regulating emotions, which allows you to quickly, easily and permanently get rid of all the negative emotional reactions that cause problems in your life, make you suffer, prevent you from getting better, to succeed or to flourish more.


  • This theme of emotions is universal. It concerns everyone in one way or another. Whether we like it or not our emotional difficulties are there. Just think of all those negative emotional reactions, those personal blockages that you know or can observe around you that often complicate our lives and force most people to live below their capabilities.


  • As a CLEEN certified practitioner, I have been demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach multiple times.


If you feel that this process can help you now or be useful for the future, do not hesitate, you will obviously reap immediate benefits.

Coaching de Libération des Empreintes Émotionnelles Négatives ( CLEEN ) avec G&L SHIFT 

What is the CLEEN approach?

I invite you to watch this short video presentation of CLEEN (Video in French)

CLEEN and Emotional Intelligence

  • CLEEN is in the field of research and practice called Emotional Regulation. It has been the subject of numerous international developments over the past thirty years.


  • This ability to regulate our emotions and those of others is at the heart of the notion of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a concept proposed in 1990 by psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer, then popularized from the mid-90s by Daniel Goleman.


  • EI is the ability we have, to varying degrees, to be aware of our emotions and to know how to take them into account in the way we think and act. It also includes our awareness of the emotions of others and the skill to deal with them. Numerous studies have multiplied over the years to explore and evaluate this concept. Many tests have been developed to validate the notion.


  • It turns out that people who have a high capacity to manage their emotions intelligently and to know how to take into account the emotions of others all do better, without exception, both in their personal and professional life.

CLEEN - How does it work?

  • At the center of our emotional reactions, we always find the same thing: unconscious imprints, often archaic, which escape our will and which are reactivated automatically. These imprints are inscribed in our body and maintained by the most archaic part of our brain, the one that manages the survival instinct, reflexes and physical sensations: the reptilian brain.


  • The "classic" verbal approaches intervene on the part of our brain which manages logical thinking, but not on the more archaic part of our brain, that which manages the survival and the physical sensations (the reptilian brain).


  • The change that CLEEN enables is based on a simple and precise process that works at the sensory level and allows the reactivation of the body's self-regulatory mechanism at the level of the reptilian brain.


  • The body then knows what to do, as soon as it is given the means.

3 brains theory.png

CLEEN - For what and for whom?

What can you "CLEAN" with the "CLEEN" approach?


  • All the situations where you felt a "negative" or "disturbing" emotion, which handicapped you, blocked you, slowed down, suffocated you.


  • All your fears, apprehensions, anxieties or anxieties : fear of the dark, of water, of heights, of speed, fear of driving, taking the train, the boat or the plane. Fear of the elevator and closed spaces or, on the contrary, fear of large spaces. Fear of animals (cats, dogs, spiders ...), etc.


  • All the situations that cause you a particular stress or an emotional hyper reactivity, whether it is derivatives of anger (from simple annoyance to the deepest rage) or sadness (from simple grief to the greatest distress) or disgust.


  • All the pressure situations where you lose your means, all the blockages / brakes that prevent you from succeeding.


The fields of application of CLEEN and to whom it is addressed:


  • Education, Money, Business, Health, Sport, Art, Family

  • Children (from the age of 8 years old), Teenagers, Adults, Couples, Seniors


Our community of certified CLEEN practitioners has documented over 15,157 cases as of April 3, 2020 with a 97% success rate.

Some testimonials about the CLEEN...


"The CLEEN approach has allowed me to better open up and understand life situations but also to always think positively."


                           Cathy Dupré

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