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How leading diverse teams may be one of today's biggest managerial challenges/opportunities...

... When there is a renewed commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

leading diverse teams may be one of today's biggest managerial challenges/opportunities
leading diverse teams may be one of today's biggest managerial challenges/opportunities

If you envision managerial roles in your future, now is the time to start developing cultural competence, or “the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one’s own.” Here are a few strategies to get you started.

Build self-awareness around your biases. To create an inclusive work environment, you must first be comfortable recognizing situations in which your biases are most likely to negatively impact your decision-making or judgment.

Practice active listening. In a culturally diverse workplace, successful managers know how to interact with people who have different communication styles (verbal, non verbal, written, or visual), approaches to problem-solving, and even methods of asking for help.

Ensure equity in retention and promotion. Hold yourself accountable to your DEI goals by tracking how promotions are awarded on your team and within the larger organization. Note any inequities, and then work explicitly on how to address them

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