An interesting contribution from the Boston Consulting Group
In a time when leaders' minds are concerned with local and global challenges all at the same time (including short-term results, climate and environmental footprint, the great resignation, employee safety and mental health, speaking out on societal issues, employees’ demands for more flexibility, artificial intelligence, shrinking competitive advantage, geopolitical risk, ecosystem collaboration, customer journeys, always-on transformation journeys), the Boston Consulting Group ran a year-long research project to examine how business leaders are currently performing and what people want and expect from them.
75% of the 9,000 employees who responded to its survey said they were satisfied with how leaders performed during the first wave of the pandemic. In that uncertain and frightening time, leaders did rise to the occasion. They were creative and flexible because they had to be.
Here is the full article where BCG explains how its research suggests that what worked during the pandemic can form the basis for an approach to a new type of leadership, the "generative" leadership : when leaders lead equally with their head, heart and hands.
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