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  • Writer's pictureSANDRINE GELIN G&L SHIFT

Where can I find the information I need to move forward with an entrepreneurial endeavor?

My Radio Chronicle "60 Secondes Practical - Entrepreneurship abroad" on La Radio des Français dans le Monde.

In a time of web supremacy and information instantaneousness, the new, or even experienced entrepreneur, runs the risk of being quickly overwhelmed by the amount of information available. There is indeed a vast quantity of data related to business start and business development on the web. It is therefore key to know how to source and prioritize the data by collecting it according to their origin: local, global, in your country of origin.

It is to this question of sourcing information that I give concrete answers in the second episode of this podcast that I have the pleasure to host on La Radio des Français dans le Monde.

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