Living in... Barcelona!
Building Awareness around Barcelona as an Entrepreneurial, Scientific, Innovation and Cultural hub
Developing intercultural skills at the time of Hybrid Work and Inclusive Diversity
Understanding yourself and others on a deeper level with Innermetrix Direct DISC Profile
How do you keep your sanity and do what matters in times of stress?
How Positive is the Impact of Professional Coaching ? ICF Studies' New Findings
Doing Business Abroad : advantages vs. disadvantages of my choice country?
G&L Shift @Barcelona Global, Hola Barcelona! Cocktail 10th edition
Doing Business Abroad : Are the conditions of access to entrepreneurship favorable...
G&L Shift, Official Partner of La Radio des Français dans le Monde
Back to Business with Greatness
How to develop your entrepreneurial mindset?
New Members Welcoming Breakfast @Barcelona Global
Keep Calm and Enjoy Summer
Doing Business Abroad : Where do I set up my business?
"Expatriation: Challenges and Opportunities of a Human Adventure" A look back at the conference