Training with G&L Shift Certified Coach in Barcelona

According to ...
International Coaching Federation (ICF): an alliance between the coach and his clients in a process that arouses reflection and creativity in them in order to maximize their personal and professional potential.
Jean-François Délivré (Coach profession): coaching is the art of helping a person find their own solutions.
In Summary :
Coaching is a personalized support based on a partnership between a coach and a client as part of a process of reflexion and creativity. This encourages the client to optimize his or her potential, both personal and professional.
- The coach recognizes the client as the only expert in his/her private and professional life and believes that each client knows how to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity.
- This process enables clients to radically improve their prospects for their work and personal life, while developing their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.
What coaching is not:
Sports performance training
Nous vous proposons une approche 100% en ligne :
Parce que l’époque que nous vivons a vu l’émergence d’extraordinaires outils pédagogiques digitaux
Parce que le modèle de formation présentielle a montré ses limites et que nous avons mesuré les résultats surprenants d’efficacité qui sont permis par le mode d’apprentissage distanciel
Parce que nous voulons vous permettre d’accéder à la formation où que vous soyez, avec des formateurs rompus à la pédagogie distancielle.
Bonne découverte!