Caring Management E-training

An independent training course, 100% online, consisting of 7 courses, or 42 hours in total.
The course includes:
Videos to watch & written materials available
Practical exercises to put into action the concepts you have seen
Summary skills assessment exercises that you send back to trainers. These give you systematic feedback
End of training quiz which assesses your learning according to the objectives and which conditions the passage to the next module.
For whom ?
All people in a management position who want to improve their interactions with colleagues.

The advantages of a digital training course
The distance learning platform allows you to approach all the themes of carring management at your own pace. You remain in control of your choices, your time, your space.
You are supported remotely in your training course with corrected exercises, remote interactions, videos, interactive exercises and tests that allow you to anchor and validate your learning.
You can be supported in a personalized way if you wish, by benefiting from additional coaching sessions.
Discover our training packs
1 training
of your choice
Fool 7 training courses
Customized training
The fundamentals of caring communication
Emotional Intelligence
And at your choice, 1 of the 2 courses:
Assert yourself in front of others in a caring way
Establish constructive and caring interactions with Transactional Analysis