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Découvrez notre programme de formation continue

pour les coachs et professionnels de l’accompagnement :
« Coacher avec la Spirale Dynamique »


Ce programme vient bonifier notre offre de services en coaching, afin de permettre aux coachs professionnels et accompagnants de poursuivre le développement de leurs compétences.​

Escalier en colimaçon

According to ...

International Coaching Federation (ICF): an alliance between the coach and his clients in a process that arouses reflection and creativity in them in order to maximize their personal and professional potential.


Jean-François Délivré (Coach profession): coaching is the art of helping a person find their own solutions.


In Summary :

Coaching is a personalized support based on a partnership between a coach and a client as part of a process of reflexion and creativity. This encourages the client to optimize his or her potential, both personal and professional.


- The coach recognizes the client as the only expert in his/her private and professional life and believes that each client knows how to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity.


- This process enables clients to radically improve their prospects for their work and personal life, while developing their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.


What coaching is not:

  • Consulting

  • Mentoring

  • Psychotherapy

  • Training

  • Outplacement

  • Sports performance training

According to ...

International Coaching Federation (ICF): an alliance between the coach and his clients in a process that arouses reflection and creativity in them in order to maximize their personal and professional potential.


Jean-François Délivré (Coach profession): coaching is the art of helping a person find their own solutions.


In Summary :

Coaching is a personalized support based on a partnership between a coach and a client as part of a process of reflexion and creativity. This encourages the client to optimize his or her potential, both personal and professional.


- The coach recognizes the client as the only expert in his/her private and professional life and believes that each client knows how to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity.


- This process enables clients to radically improve their prospects for their work and personal life, while developing their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.


What coaching is not:

  • Consulting

  • Mentoring

  • Psychotherapy

  • Training

  • Outplacement

  • Sports performance training

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Sandrine Gelin-Lamrani : Diplômée de l’IEP de Strasbourg et du Msc SMIB de l’ESSEC Business School, Master Coach Institut de Coaching International, Coach PCC ICF, multi-expatriée et serial entrepreneuse, elle accompagne la transformation des organisations et l’évolution des compétences des actifs depuis 25 ans – conseil, formation, coaching.

Elle a notamment été directrice associée chez ABIS Formation pendant plus de 10 ans, en charge de la direction pédagogique du Titre Professionnel de Formateur Professionnel d’Adultes, titre RNCP Niveau 5.

Elle collabore aujourd’hui avec une clientèle diversifiée, composée de cadres dirigeants, de managers, et d’entrepreneurs, souvent dans des contextes de mobilité internationale et de multi-culturalité. Elle intervient également en tant que Professeur Associée dans plusieurs Ecoles de commerce de renom, en France et en Espagne.

Membre de la communauté E-coaching Associates, elle forme et coache en ligne depuis 2019. Elle intervient en français et en anglais, sur 3 continents : Europe, Afrique et Amérique du Nord.

Formée au modèle de la Spirale Dynamique par Karin Roland en 2020, elle utilise ce modèle de compréhension des systèmes de valeurs des individus et des organisations dans tous ses accompagnements internationaux, en complément des modèles interculturels et de mindset auxquels elle a été formée par des spécialistes de renom – Robert Dilts, Philippe Rosinski.

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Karin Roland : Titulaire d’une maîtrise en science de l’éducation de l’Université de Liège (Equivalent Master 2), Coach certifiée (MHD Coaching), après une carrière de 15 ans en entreprise durant laquelle elle a occupé différents postes de formatrice, responsable formation et directrice de projet, elle se consacre pleinement à son activité de coach professionnelle, consultante en conduite du changement, intelligence relationnelle et collaborative, et formatrice depuis 20 ans. Elle intervient à la fois auprès des entreprises et de leur comité de direction, du monde associatif et des universités - La Sorbonne notamment.

Elle a conçu une méthode agile d’accompagnement du changement systémique. Les outils et modèles sur lesquels elle s’appuie sont : la Spirale Dynamique, les techniques et outils d’intelligence collective et collaborative, les jeux et approches ludiques. L’ensemble des prestations qu’elle propose aux entreprises, aux associations et aux accompagnants du changement (coachs, formateurs, facilitateurs, consultants) découlent de toutes ces expériences et pratiques. Elle a notamment conçu des outils spécifiques d’accompagnement dérivés du modèle et inclus dans cette formation.

Formée à la Spirale Dynamique en 2004 par Patricia et Fabien Chabreuil, elle a formé à ce jour une centaine d’accompagnants – coachs mais aussi consultants et formateurs – à la Spirale Dynamique.





Cohorte – Printemps 2025


Module 1 - Les bases du modèle

Mercredi 26 mars

Mercredi 2 avril

09h30 - 13h30 (CET)

Module 2 - Les mécanismes d’évolution, de changement

Mercredi 23 avril

Mercredi 30 avril

09h30 - 13h30 (CET)

Module 3 – Les techniques et outils d’accompagnement individuel et collectif avec la SD

Mercredi 21 mai

Mercredi 28 mai

09h30 - 13h30 (CET)

Module 4 – Focus : Jeu de cartes Le Monde en 7 Couleurs et Test Individuel SD

Mercredi 18 juin

Mercredi 25 juin

09h30 - 13h30 (CET)



Cohorte – Automne 2025


Module 1 - Les bases du modèle

Lundi 8 septembre

Lundi 15 septembre

09h30 - 13h30 (CET)

Module 2 - Les mécanismes d’évolution, de changement

Lundi 6 octobre

Lundi 13 octobre

09h30 - 13h30 (CET)

Module 3 – Les techniques et outils d’accompagnement individuel et collectif avec la SD

Lundi 17 novembre

Lundi 24 novembre

09h30 - 13h30 (CET)

Module 4 – Focus : Jeu de cartes Le Monde en 7 Couleurs et Test Individuel SD

Lundi 8 décembre

Lundi 15 décembre

09h30 - 13h30 (CET)



Lieu : Formation à distance (synchrone – en temps réel)

Coût : 1 985 € (taxes en sus)

Modalité de paiement : paiement par virement bancaire, à réception de facture, en 1 ou 2 échéances.

  • En 1 fois avant le démarrage de la formation

  • En 2 fois (50% avant le démarrage et 50% à mi-parcours








Réservez votre place maintenant !

According to ...

International Coaching Federation (ICF): an alliance between the coach and his clients in a process that arouses reflection and creativity in them in order to maximize their personal and professional potential.


Jean-François Délivré (Coach profession): coaching is the art of helping a person find their own solutions.


In Summary :

Coaching is a personalized support based on a partnership between a coach and a client as part of a process of reflexion and creativity. This encourages the client to optimize his or her potential, both personal and professional.


- The coach recognizes the client as the only expert in his/her private and professional life and believes that each client knows how to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity.


- This process enables clients to radically improve their prospects for their work and personal life, while developing their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.


What coaching is not:

  • Consulting

  • Mentoring

  • Psychotherapy

  • Training

  • Outplacement

  • Sports performance training

According to ...

International Coaching Federation (ICF): an alliance between the coach and his clients in a process that arouses reflection and creativity in them in order to maximize their personal and professional potential.


Jean-François Délivré (Coach profession): coaching is the art of helping a person find their own solutions.


In Summary :

Coaching is a personalized support based on a partnership between a coach and a client as part of a process of reflexion and creativity. This encourages the client to optimize his or her potential, both personal and professional.


- The coach recognizes the client as the only expert in his/her private and professional life and believes that each client knows how to demonstrate creativity and ingenuity.


- This process enables clients to radically improve their prospects for their work and personal life, while developing their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.


What coaching is not:

  • Consulting

  • Mentoring

  • Psychotherapy

  • Training

  • Outplacement

  • Sports performance training


                           Cathy Dupré

alexandre m the frenchy Formateur Seo Wix France, creation site wix, référencement wix, strategie marketing digital pour entrepreneurs

Professional individual coaching Paris   -   Professional individual coaching Geneva   -    Professional individual coaching Amsterdam  -   Professional individual coaching Barcelona  -  

Professional individual coaching  Brussels  -  Professional individual coaching London  -  Professional individual coaching Stockholm  -  Individual coaching Barcelona  -   Career coaching Paris -  Career coaching Geneva  -  Career Coaching Amsterdam  -   Career Coaching Barcelona  -   Career Coaching Brussels  -  Career Coach Barcelona  -  Professional Career Coaching London  -  Career Coaching Stockholm -   Coaching for entrepreneurs Paris - Coaching for entrepreneurs Geneva  -  Coaching for entrepreneurs Amsterdam  -  Coaching for entrepreneursBarcelona  -   Coaching for entrepreneurs Brussels  -   Coaching for entrepreneurs London   -   Coaching for entrepreneurs Stockholm  -   Individual coaching -   Professional individual coaching -  Individual business coaching -  Entrepreneur coaching -  

Business coaching -   Business coaching -  Business coaching Paris -  Business creation coaching -   Coaching for entrepreneurs -   Online coaching -    Online professional coaching -    career coaching -  career coaching Paris -  career coaching London - career coachingBarcelona  -   career coaching Amsterdam  -  career coaching Brussels -   career coaching Stockholm -   entrepreneur coaching -   coaching london -  coaching uk -  leadership coaching -   coaching training -   online coaching -  coaching entrepreneurs  -  business coaching -  business coaching in london  -  london business coaching -  business coaching uk -  business coaching program -  business coaching for entrepreneurs  - 

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